Post-school education – from school to career in NRW

Choosing the right career after school isn’t easy. The German school system and its dual vocational training are no less complicated – especially when your mother tongue isn’t German.
Below you get information in different languages about:
parts and goals of the career orientation system „KAoA“ – starting at year 8 in all public schools in NRW
the German school system
the dual vocational training („duale Ausbildung“)
Choose your language & get started!

Film: KAoA explained in 180 seconds
Information for parents about the potential analysis
Film: Dual VET – Vocational Education and Training in Germany
KAUSA tips for immigrant parents: Vocational training in Germany
Information for parents about KAoA-kompakt
Declaration of consent KAoA-kompakt
Guidance and Counselling Centres in Düsseldorf for Parents, Children and Young Persons

فيلم توضيحي: التوجيه المهني في المدرسة
رسالة إلى الوالدينمتحليل محتمل
التعليم والتدريب المِهني المزدوج
KAoA-kompakt مع كل نهايةبداية جديدة:معلومات للوالدين بشأنبرنامج
KAoA-kompakt مع كل نهاية، بداية جديدة:تصريح بالموافقة المشاركة في بر
بيَعرلوالدين:ِ لKAUSAشورة „كاوزا“ َدليل مالتعليم والتدريب في ألمانيا